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Home Care Advice During the Clinic Closure

With the current state of affairs, and the temporary closure of the clinic we (Emma, Steven and Joanne) will be posting condition specific advice / tutorials / images / videos etc to keep you guide you on what you can do at home to keep you comfortable and safe until the nation returns to business as usual again.


If you have an acute foot issue please the clinic or email us and we'll do what we can to help you. 

With this in mind over the next few weeks we'll endevour to find and present helpful self-care videos and condition specific information to help you through this interruption in care.


Please contact us if you have particular concerns and we'll do our best to guide you through the issue in the absence of being able to assess you face-to-face.


In the mean time stay safe and well, from all at Bray Chiropody and Podiatry.


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