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Health Insurance: 


All of our podiatrists are members of the SCPI (The Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists of Ireland), so where your health insurance policy includes cover for chiropody / podiatry care, you can submit your receipt to your insurer for reimbursement as appropriate (in keeping with your policy).


Garda Medical Aid:

Where you are able to avail of the Garda Medical Aid, we can provide you with a receipt for reimbursement.


Med 1 Form:

Where you intent to submit your receipt against your Med 1 form (against your tax bill), it is sometimes also necessary to submit a letter from your GP indicating why said Chiropody / Podiatry treatment is necessary.

To find out if your Health Insurance Policy covers Chiropody / Podiatry care you will have to contact your provider directly.

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